Retirement Quick Links --
VIEW YOUR ACCOUNT To View your account, please follow the link.
RISK QUIZ To take a quiz to determine how to invest, please follow the link
Welfare/125 Quick Links --
VIEW YOUR ACCOUNT To View your account, please follow the link.
ACTIVATE YOUR CARD In order to activate your BennyCard, please follow the link.
Involuntary IRA
Over the course of administering a retirement plan, employees come and go. Overtime employees that have left the company may have left their account balances in the retirement plan. From time to time it is important to notify these participants and ask that they move their money out of the plan, either to a new provider or as a distribution. If they fail to respond, in certain situations, the law allows you to move their accounts out of your retirement plan and into an IRA that is established for this purpose. If you need help in removing these participants and need a place to put their accounts, please feel free to contact us.